Le'Nise Brothers

Registered nutritionist and podcast host

Le’Nise Brothers is a yoga teacher, registered nutritionist, mBANT, mCNHC, specializing in women’s health, hormones, and the menstrual cycle. She is also the host of the Period Story podcast.

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The Latest
14 mins

The transition through perimenopause to menopause can feel like a second puberty. It is a big hormonal shift at a time in your life when you might finally feel that you’ve got everything figured out. Suddenly, changing hormones mean that you may find it harder to find the right diet for you. Read on to … Continued


The Latest
12 mins

When you are under pressure you may find yourself mysteriously drawn to that tub of ice cream in the freezer or wrestling an insatiable desire for a giant bag of potato chips. Food cravings are a familiar feeling. Many people experience them during menstrual cycles. Unfortunately, menopause doesn’t mean they will stop even if your … Continued
