Menopause and inability to perform tasks


You may find menopause makes it difficult to complete your day-to-day tasks and leaves you reeling from mental fuzziness. An inability to perform tasks during menopause is a common symptom – it feels like that sharp focus you once relied on is slipping through your fingers. Read on to find out more about the hormone changes that cause this bothersome symptom, as well as tips on how best to manage it.  

Inability to perform tasks definition

It can appear as a lack of motivation, persistent fatigue, or mental fuzziness. You might also be struggling with a lack of sleep, low mood, or even depression, all of which can make it more difficult to get through your to-do list.

You may also find that you are physically less able to complete tasks that would previously have been a breeze. Aches and pains become more common at menopause, as do arthritis, loss of muscle mass, and weight gain.

This can also make activities like exercising harder, leading to weight gain and low mood. It can affect your work life, home life, and even your relationships – having a huge impact on your life.

This inability to get stuff done like you used to can be triggered or worsened by the change in hormone levels that occurs during menopause, specifically changes in your estrogen levels.

The negative effects of these hormonal changes can also be compounded by other menopause symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats, and poor sleep

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How likely is the inability to perform tasks during menopause?

  • It is hard to point to a reliable statistic on how many experience an inability to perform tasks as a direct result of menopause. But a study by the British Menopause Society helps us understand the impact – a significant proportion of those surveyed reported that their menopause symptoms had a negative effect on their work and relationships
  • Studies reveal that an inability to perform tasks occurs as a result of changes in multiple hormone levels and can occur at any stage of menopause 
  • How much sleep you get and the quality of your sleep can affect your likelihood of experiencing an inability to perform tasks. For example, a prolonged period of disturbed or restless sleep can result in a low mood, poor thinking, and a lack of motivation
  • Stress, such as pressure at work or home, can also impact your ability to perform tasks

Read more about the stages of menopause.


Difficulty focusing and brain fog

Struggling to keep up at home or work


A persistent feeling of anxiety

Tips to help with the inability to perform tasks during menopause

Don’t pretend to be okay when you’re not

Struggling to perform day-to-day tasks is difficult enough without using up energy pretending everything is fine. Open and honest communication can work wonders for alleviating stress during menopause. Try speaking to friends, family, and colleagues about how you’re feeling or, if you prefer, seek advice from a therapist or other clinician. If you are concerned you have multiple signs of cognitive decline, you should talk with your healthcare provider.  

Stay hydrated

Take care you don’t drink too much or you will need to go to the bathroom often. See if your energy levels rise when you are hydrated.

Limit your caffeine intake

You may love coffee but increased caffeine levels can play havoc with your nervous system, leading to more stress and a lack of quality sleep. Studies have shown that caffeine increases the circulation of stress hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline in the body. Try cutting down or swapping to decaffeinated drinks. 

Make time for yourself to relax

Getting into the habit of making time for yourself each day can make a big difference to your overall mood and energy levels. Just as your body is changing through menopause, so may the amount of rest you need. Try taking small breaks from work and focus on doing what you enjoy. This can be as simple as stepping outside for some fresh air or even taking up a new hobby.

Boost your diet

Making sure that your diet is balanced and rich in nutrients is always a good idea for managing menopause symptoms as well as your general health. There isn’t any definitive research that taking Vitamin B and magnesium can help. 

Learn new techniques

Talking therapies, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and improving your activity levels and sleep can also help.

Can hormone therapy (HT) help?

HT is not currently recommended for brain fog alone, although it can help with some of the other symptoms of menopause which interfere with your productivity and contribute to brain fog. HT is proven to help with hot flashes, night sweats, and mood changes among others.

However, it is not suitable for everyone. Speak to your healthcare provider if you would like to find out more about the best treatment for you.

Read more on HT risks and benefits.


This usually happens for a combination of reasons, some of which may be related to changes in estrogen levels during menopause. Common menopause symptoms including brain fog, low mood, fatigue, and poor sleep can all combine to make it difficult to perform your usual tasks.

The inability to perform tasks can have an immediate effect on your mental health. For example, if you’re demotivated you may find it hard to take part in activities that once made you happy, like social gatherings, exercise, and hobbies. Equally, you could feel overwhelmed at work and struggle to keep up with mounting deadlines. 

The inability to perform tasks and a decline in productivity and self-confidence can become long-term issues if left unchecked. Some may find that HT helps alleviate some of the causes like brain fog, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and poor sleep. Talk to a clinician if the problem seems to be worsening.  

It is important to talk to your healthcare provider if an inability to perform tasks starts to negatively affect your day-to-day life or if you are worried about your symptoms. 

Seek help urgently if you have:

  • Any sudden onset of symptoms
  • New or sudden memory loss
  • Slurred speech
  • Weakness, numbness, or altered sensation in your arms or legs
  • Associated headache
  • Drowsiness
  • Any changes to your eyesight (including double vision, blurring, or blind spots)
  • Any worrying symptoms of depression, including thoughts about harming yourself or others
  • Any other new or worrying symptoms


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How to boost confidence at work during menopause. Read more

My perimenopause brain left me fearing I had Alzheimer’s. Read more

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Menopause care to help you feel better

  • Learn your menopause stage
  • Virtual visits with board-certified clinicians experienced in women’s health
  • Prescriptions for FDA-regulated hormone therapy
  • Holistic lifestyle guidance with the Stella app